Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft

Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft (PRSC) in Bristol, provides benefit to The Community by promoting the interests of the area, and by seeking to work with the skills of the whole Community to influence the direction in which this area develops.


Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft

Associated downloads

PRSC mission statement [PDF]
The Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft came into being in 2007 and became a Community Interest Company in 2007. We operate out of premises in Stokes Croft that are soon to be safeguarded for community use through a Land Trust.

In the past twelve years PRSC has received negligible funding. This has been deliberate, as generally funding comes with onerous strings attached. Rather, we have pursued a model whereby we generate our own income through a combination of selling work that we produce (Bone china, artwork, prints etc.) running events, workshops and hiring out our gallery space and studios. this allows us to pursue our art activism without external constraint.

In the beginning, the organisation survived primarily on volunteer efforts and a relatively small element of philanthropy. However, we have managed to transition to a situation where there is a core staff who depend upon PRSC for their livelihood,a situation that is more financially challenging but also more sustainable.

In line with the core thinking of PRSC, any funding awarded to PRSC will be treated as investment capital with a view to achieving the virtuous circle of generating more income through the positive activist work that we already do.