Test Screening
27/09/2021Nova Studios invite you to come view and feedback selected excerpts of its docu:film Over The Edge: The Life and Work of Paul Burwell ( working title).
Eventbrite booking HERE!
Matt Stephenson ( Nova Studios) and the artist Anne Bean will be introduced by its instigator Michael Anthony Barnes-Wynters ( Future's Venture ) as they will guide you through three main excerpts. This is a work in progress and so will not be a full screening of the film in its entirety but is an excerise to get feedback and thoughts to then move towards its final edit for release in 2022
Funded by Future's Venture Foundation in 2017 and now after three years in the making with over thirty interviews, an influential art movement steps forward with Paul Burwell at its core.
Featuring contributions from some of this country's foremost artists, film-makers, and musicians including Anne Bean, Richard Wilson, David Toop, Evan Parker, Sylvia Hallet, Carlyle Reedy, Steve Beresford, Peter Cusack, Max Eastley, Sally Potter, Jonny Easterby, Yol, Viv Corringham, Lee Merrill, Brian Gilson, Mark Anderson, Ansuman Biswas as well as many of Paul Burwell's friends and family.
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Eventbrite booking HERE!
Matt Stephenson ( Nova Studios) and the artist Anne Bean will be introduced by its instigator Michael Anthony Barnes-Wynters ( Future's Venture ) as they will guide you through three main excerpts. This is a work in progress and so will not be a full screening of the film in its entirety but is an excerise to get feedback and thoughts to then move towards its final edit for release in 2022
Funded by Future's Venture Foundation in 2017 and now after three years in the making with over thirty interviews, an influential art movement steps forward with Paul Burwell at its core.
Featuring contributions from some of this country's foremost artists, film-makers, and musicians including Anne Bean, Richard Wilson, David Toop, Evan Parker, Sylvia Hallet, Carlyle Reedy, Steve Beresford, Peter Cusack, Max Eastley, Sally Potter, Jonny Easterby, Yol, Viv Corringham, Lee Merrill, Brian Gilson, Mark Anderson, Ansuman Biswas as well as many of Paul Burwell's friends and family.
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